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- What is AppIntel AI?
- Why AppIntel?
- Why you don't need AppIntel AI
- 10 ways to increase production before Christmas
- 10 ways to increase production before Christmas
- Better views than from a drone
- Six months of cash gone
- Desktop AI for quick copy of industry successes
- Using oil and gas AI safely
- Water flood for ever and ever
- Polymer: Here are the dividends of collective genius
- Sequestration: Oil and Gas Artificial Intelligence solving for World Peace
- What technical debt from 1st generation horizontal wells?
- 6 things you need to know to save the oil and gas industry
- Must you pay the technical debt of legacy floods?
- Avoiding oil field technical debt
- Steps toward Carbon Zero
- Automating oil and gas vigilance
- Leading indicators in the battle for the future of bitumen recovery
- What makes an AI useful for the oil and gas industry?
- Bug flood - cheap reserve adds
- Gas plant expansion finally approved
- AI lets you do more with less
- LLM more trendy than LNG?
- AppIntel AI: Work smarter, not harder
- Early solvent in heavy oil experiment
- Rejected? You are not alone.
- Forgot to take care of that flood?
- Case studies in AppIntel AI
- N/S E/W Does it matter which way you drill horizontal wells?
- Tuning up your flood adds production
- Will AI take your job?
- Submit seismic for downspacing?
- Update on gas cycling economics
- Enough gas to supply the world for 500 years
- Fracking very rarely induces earthquakes
- Life after SAGD
- Jumping on the gas injection band wagon
- Increasing the H2S content of your gas plant
- Life after WAG
- Huff and puff into tight oil - Miscible style
- The little known story behind immiscible CO2 flooding
- Our flood coach reacts to ultra tight flood: Amazing!
- Health check up for gas floods
- What they didn't teach you in school about miscible floods
- Flood still not optimized? The opportunity cost is high.
- The lost science of flood optimization
- Alberta operators losing $10 billion per year from unoptimized floods
- Don't battle the regulations alone
- Urgent or Important: Rejuvenating your flood
- SAGD Push/Pull Strategy?
- Don't blow the lid
- Detox your waterflood
- Consulting the ghosts of Christmas past about their floods
- Smarter acquisitions
- 5 ways your flood is trying to get your attention
- 8 benefits of flood balancing you don't know
- Benefits of balance
- Improve your water flood with Optiflood from Proven Reserves
- Injecting bugs in SAGD
- Reducing miscible solvent bank thickness
- Technicality closes application
- Gas flood nears 45% recovery
- Fixing flood noncompliance the wrong way
- Hope in a despondent industry
- 5 regulatory mistakes to avoid
- Pacify the picky regulator
- Using LLR to bully the regulator?
- VRR <1 is optimal
- Quench your thirst for net carbon zero
- Gas Huff and Puff in the Duvernay
- Horizontal wells: Toe up or toe down?
- Sign of oil & gas confidence returning
- Gas flooding the Montney in fashion
- IAR is not responding
- Lessons learned from water flooding the Montney
- Compliance due dilligence
- The easiest sulphur process is no sulphur process
- Breathing life into SAGD
- Battle for the future of waste facilities
- Water flood applications getting quicker approvals
- Addressing potential seismic activity from fracturing
- Apps on strike
- Application refused on technicality
- Tight flood fundamentals
- Selfie-mail: emails to myself
- Wasted application
- Never tell the regulator this about your D-65 application
- Don't sell solution gas, inject it
- The cure for acidic bitumen - Required reading
- Every drop counts
- Save the world: recycle floods
- Last chance water flood
- What they didn't tell you in school about fireflood
- IAR back online
- IAR is not responding
- SAGD Solvent
- Applications are the new exploration
- Water use in times of emergency
- Update on CHOPS economics
- 8 common misconceptions about horizontal injectors
- Improving SAGD Using Dilation
- 411 - Look up your pool's history
- Never tell the regulator this in a facility application
- The next chapter in CSS
- Gas huff and puff
- 16 ways to handle objections to new facilities
- Preventing SAGD Headaches
- NCG or Infills : Why choose?
- The shocking reason for most flood failures
- Can warm solvent start up save SAGD?
- AER's IAR is up and running again
- AER's IAR is down
- Saving sour bitumen
- You've never thought of storing bitumen here
- Cost of waiting on AER orders $50k
- Take the pressure off SAGD
- Terrified of objectors?
- N-CHOPS stands for...
- New details just released on microbial flooding
- The dream of steam-less SAGD
- THIS is why floods really fail
- Safer than self-driving cars
- Approval for no inter-well distance
- How to double tight flood recovery
- The newest Montney flood idea
- Horizontal Injectors - let the magic begin
- The algorithm of SAGD success
- The swiss army knife of SAGD
- Free drilling location
- Most pathetic reasons for oil and gas project failures
- The forgotten oil sands projects
- Polymer success - 4th time's a charm
- Save the world by recycling drilling fluids
- Most common challenges facing SAGD
- The future blockchain of oil and gas marketing
- Managing tailing ponds the easy way
- Conserving solution gas into wormholes
- How the rich and famous run their one-window applications
- Record number of facility applications
- Pipelines fail big every minute you don't read this article
- The demise of THAI - a few last words
- Shared: powerful side by side comparison of before and after polymer flood
- NCGI hits mainstream
- No steam SAGD - there's a gadget for that
- Recycling that really makes a difference - gas condensate pools
- Polymer flooding now that the Alberta recession is officially over... Or is it?
- The rise of tailing ponds and how to make it stop
- This Montney gas flood will melt your heart into a happy puddle
- 4 reasons you might blame the Alberta recession on SAGD
- Breathing fire into your thermal scheme
- Things you didn't learn in school about salt caverns
- Here's a reason gas injection should give you nightmares
- Hold the CSS steam still - rotate the world around it
- Facility dreams die every minute you don't read this article
- Polymer - hot and salty
- Solvent and SAGD -- High voltage edition
- Deadly CO2 flood myths you don't know
- Solids from sludge - there's a gadget for that
- How to fix 95% of all waterflood problems
- SAGD turned CSS
- Shale in SAGD
- Watch the tailings pond debate unfold
- Seven habits for highly effective [tight] floods
- 7 things you need to know about SAGD Infill wells
- You love SAGD. So do we.
- 10 ways to prevent flow to surface
- If this sweetening process is so awesome, why doesn't everyone use it?
- IAR system down again
- 9 potent ways to enhance steam injection: SAGD
- The joy of awesome water shut-off
- 10 operations take thermal to the next level
- The saddest CO2 flood failure of all time
- Is the world ready for disposing drilling waste this novel way?
- The rise of water recycle
- 8 Classic SAGD gas injection installations
- SAGD infill performance
- 7 classic must-read polymer flood applications
- Immiscible CO2 Flood
- Solvent flood: set it and forget it
- Polymer doubles recovery
- Locating your facility in peatlands
- The changing face of thermal regulation
- How close is too close?
- Getting flexibility in plant sulfur emissions
- AER's systems back up
- What after ASP?
- Extending oil recovery with gas injection
- Justifying 4D seismic
- IAR system down again
- Changing the thermal bitumen paradigm
- Unprecedented polymer diverter trial
- AER's systems back up
- How long will my application take to be approved?
- IAR system down
- ASP flood quadrupled
- No steam bitumen recovery
- Waste facility very popular
- Evaluating acquisitions
- Flood pattern repatterning
- Acid gas deep well disposal
- SAGD NCG with CSS Infills
- CSS heat wave
- Cut SAGD steam cost
- Don't handle pipeline noncompliance this way
- What everyone else thinks of injecting polymer
- How everyone else meets voidage
- 8 ways to get GPP
- Test your thermal recovery knowledge
- Quiz: How mature is your thermal scheme?
- Repairing microannulus in thermal wells
- Are they draining your gas?
- Stickhandling application approvals
- Long approval time for waste facility
- SAGD Approval takes 4.5 years
- SAGD flexibility for Maximum Operating Pressure
- Getting a 2 year pipeline licence
- ASP flood expansion at $50 oil
- Self Storage of Acid Gas
- The very last spacing application
- Beautiful people listen to their flood
- Protecting your thermal scheme from FTS disaster
- SAGD threat turned into opportunity
- Find Montney corner shots
- Get by without a SAGD application
- The last word on non-condensable gas injection?
- Taking a SAGD sabbatical due to economics
- What does this SAGD operator, a rock star and a civil war hero have in common?
- Order documents from one application
- How a new data service can save you millions in capital costs
- Smartest hacks to make exploring much more rewarding
- Advances in produced water storage
- Elusive promise of ASP flooding
- This one small error can close your pipeline application
- Countercyclic: New SAGD project in hard times
- Electrically heating bitumen saves cost
- Heating bitumen with electrical current
- Gave away his regional seismic mapping
- When pipeline regulatory approval takes longer
- You can get away with a smaller setback -- maybe.
- Everything you need to know about WAG
- SAGD trial way out west
- SAGD: Life after CSS
- Solvent SAGD coinjection: Propane or butane?
- Solvent SAGD before it was cool
- Lifehack: Look for corner shots next to pressured up floods
- 3 things wildly successful oil and gas companies refuse to do
- Life after miscible flood
- Why use a tech when an expert is cheaper?
- More primary heavy oil at $45 oil
- The problem with multi-lateral wells
- Ways to get more SAGD with less
- 4 ways to be smarter about SAGD
- 4 ways to be smarter in an age of information overload
- If you need a pipeline application approved, this may be the most important news you read all year
- Newest play of the year
- Forget OTSG. Waste facility is the new sensation.
- Try this one seismic hack before buying property
- Do this every time you submit to the regulator
- Deferral of asp injector conversions
- How to reduce sulphur recovery
- Find Montney seismic interpretations
- Bi-directional pipeline refused
- Injecting Alkali in SAGD
- Backup OTSG steam
- SAGD CO2 injection proposed
- Dealing with depleted SAGD
- Restriction relief on a reef platform
- Healing by voluntary self disclosure
- Life after a noncompliance notice
- Pipeline application took 1.5 years to approve
- Heavy oil at 38 m interwell
- SAGD stalled over access management plan
- SAGD horizontal dogleg
- Monitoring casing failure using passive seismic systems
- Facility application closed on technicality
- Don't get your pipeline application closed by the regulator
- Get your competitor's maps on demand
- New moving average voidage replacement strategy
- Evolving maximum wellhead injection pressure process
- Seismic interpretation released to public domain
- Bug food concentration in microbial flood
- Closed applications -- painful and expensive
- Monitoring out of zone injection with microseismic
- Blowdown and NCG injection
- 4D Seismic in SAGD confirms bitumen thickness
- Top Downloads May 2016
- Uprating a gas plant with sulphur recovery
- Life after a tight water flood fails
- Flooding with microbes
- Ten corner shots on this pool
- Top Downloads April 2016
- Deepest SAGD project
- Safe steam strategy
- Make the most of MaxWHIP approval
- SAGD Blowdown Experiment
- Frac facility modified
- Reactivation candidate sidelined
- Life after ASP - Saving cost
- View someone else's net pay map on your land
- Horizontal CSS schedule: 60-soak-60
- No SAGD application required
- Even more SAGD at $45 oil
- Saving SAGD OTSG from caustic failure
- Extending flood with net pay mapping
- Fall out from flow to surface
- Starting a solvent-assisted SAGD at $40 oil
- Giving too much to the regulator
- THAI replaced by primary heavy oil
- Mitigating flow to surface risk
- More SAGD at $40 oil
- SAGD at $40 oil
- Get historic AER application documents on demand
- Additional diluent supply
- Diluent Soak in CSS
- Steaming under highway 881
- Healing SAGD hot spots
- Solution gas injection cancelled
- When a sliding river bank threatens your pipeline
- Processing non-Alberta waste
- Injecting in the wrong zone
- Toe shot in the public domain
- Early non-condensable gas injection project
- AER: CSS Operations are fine
- Non-condensable gas injection and SAGD infills
- Restrictions on HPCSS
- Coalescing floods
- Handling contaminated snow melt
- Injecting polymer without plugging off
- Life after primary heavy oil
- Efficient Steam generation - OTSG
- Life after wormholes
- AER's systems back up
- SWAG Sour-water-alternating-gas injection
- Closed application shows undrilled parcel
- Injection approval catches up
- Edge shot from AER application maps
- Routine satellite mod automatically refused
- IAR is down
- Methane and steam as fence injection
- SAGD MOP bid stalled out of the gate
- Prevent oil sands leases from expiring
- Regional Manville geological study
- First play based applications approved
- Frack tank farm proposals refused
- Spreading CSS to multi-well flood
- Sometimes you need to flare
- Cancelling surfactant and polymer injection
- Don't end up in a hearing
- Formation picks in complex reservoir
- Testing steam conduction affect
- Jumping on the NCG bandwagon
- How to evaluate thermal compatible wells
- Cutting SAGD costs by generating steam from produced water
- Recession proof reserves adds by flood optimization
- Gas injection: Cheap reserves adds
- Doubling max wellhead injection pressure
- Huff and Puff with Solvent
- AppIntel AI includes the missing UWI
- ASP Polymer Concentrations
- Seismic in the public domain
- SAGD observation wells
- Producing heavy oil from Pekisko mounds
- Safely steaming
- SAGD approval time dropping
- Sulphur plant turndown
- Undrilled offsetting acreage
- Expanding a successful polymer flood
- Drilling through fault blocks
- How to mine a storage cavern
- Preventing surface uplift
- No interwell spacing for pad wells
- Dealing with SAGD steam breakthrough
- Improve SAGD conformance
- Reducing water use in thermal operations
- Removing production restrictions for tight oil wells
- Three corner shots
- AER closing more & more pipeline applications
- Oil Sands Mine plans cancelled
- IAR is back up
- IAR down for maintenance
- Get Mannville net pay maps
- How to double your SAGD MOP
- Watch someone's application in real time
- New GPP rules
- THAI failure in field test
- Flooding a commingled pool
- How the AER calculates VRR
- Record pipeline licences in 2015
- IAR is back up
- IAR down for maintenance
- Injecting methane into SAGD
- Reducing SAGD testing frequency
- Life after polymer flood
- Objector forces application withdrawal
- CSS in thin zones
- Undrilled net pay up for grabs
- Drainage showing on net pay map
- Bitumen production application refused
- SAGD type logs in the public domain
- SAGD infills proposed at reduced length
- Replacing SAGD injectors for increased oil rate
- Lean gas flood get 10% additional
- Get your application orders on demand
- Quickly copy industry successes
- Horizontal well placement cross section
- Horizontal well exploiting narrow channels
- Halfway picks in the public domain
- Tripling the size of an ASP flood
- Scheme with 45 disposal wells
- Gas injection doubles oil reserves
- Operator Cancels SAGD Scheme
- Repressuring SAGD gas cap using combustion
- Seismic monitoring wells in CSS
- Reducing SAGD Cost
- Ensure you can drill on schedule
- Forecast approval time for your application
- Using AppIntel AI to keep up with the Joneses
- ASP floods at $50 oil
- AER declines help to reduce backlog
- Disposal or flood?
- Flood refused by the regulator
- AER's IAR back in business
- Scheme with 45 disposal wells
- Regulator holds up CSS on max operation pressure concerns
- Free drilling location shown in public domain
- Approval only because of tubing change
- AER's IAR still down
- Technicalities close 10 spacing applications
- Addressing potential seismic activity from fracturing
- AER's Integrated Application Registry down
- Repressuring SAGD gas cap using combustion
- Seismic interpretations in regulatory applications
- Immsicible gas injection gaining popularity
- Second acid gas waste disposal well
- Examining a CSS casing failure
- Acquisition scouting with AppIntel AI

How to get out of hot water with the regulator
AI can prevent $10 million in noncompliance losses

KiP - Search box on steroids
Like a needle in a haystack

How to win at land sales
Using industry submission to scout plans and opportunities. Prize: Almost a billion dollars.

Oil and Gas Artificial Intelligence - made in Canada
No tariffs

AppIntel AI blog has delivered over 1 million pages views
Artificial Intelligence for the oil and gas industry

2024 A year of innovation
What will 2025 bring?

10 ways to increase production before Christmas

10 ways to increase production before Christmas
Each cost less than half a million

Better views than from a drone
Watch and copy the successes of others

Six months of cash gone
Application denied

Desktop AI for quick copy of industry successes
Watch competitors -- Keep up with the Joneses

Using oil and gas AI safely
Oil and gas AI must be Ethical, Moral and Beneficial

Water flood for ever and ever
Check out the net pay maps

Polymer: Here are the dividends of collective genius
The wisdom of the many outweighs the assumptions of the few

Sequestration: Oil and Gas Artificial Intelligence solving for World Peace
Reduce carbon and stake holder concerns

What technical debt from 1st generation horizontal wells?
Are your horizontal wells old age or new age?

6 things you need to know to save the oil and gas industry
New generation of knowledge workers saving the industry

Must you pay the technical debt of legacy floods?
Reward: Production and cash flow increase

Avoiding oil field technical debt
Is technical debt costing you production?

Steps toward Carbon Zero
Field MMV plan

Automating oil and gas vigilance
AppIntel AI watches the industry for you

Leading indicators in the battle for the future of bitumen recovery
Methane or Propane?

What makes an AI useful for the oil and gas industry?
Eight AppIntel AI guidelines for usefulness

Bug flood - cheap reserve adds
Be careful what you inject

Gas plant expansion finally approved
Like playing jenga with the regulator?

AI lets you do more with less
Cheapest, biggest and most current source of oil and gas breaking information

LLM more trendy than LNG?
Large Language Model for oil and gas

AppIntel AI: Work smarter, not harder
Those that can't see the value of a car should walk

Early solvent in heavy oil experiment
Partially upgrade bitumen in-situ

Rejected? You are not alone.
Facility amendments can be frustrating

Forgot to take care of that flood?
Schedule these 12 activities every year.

Case studies in AppIntel AI
Every blog post has one.

N/S E/W Does it matter which way you drill horizontal wells?
Is there science to drilling azimuth?

Tuning up your flood adds production
Cheapest reserves adds come from tune ups

Will AI take your job?
4 jobs that AI is poised to take

Submit seismic for downspacing?
Rarely a good idea

Update on gas cycling economics
This is Huge

Enough gas to supply the world for 500 years
Riding motorbikes past 2500 AD

Fracking very rarely induces earthquakes
The few tremors fracking has induced are minor

Life after SAGD
Replacing steam with methane

Jumping on the gas injection band wagon
Recovery boost by 50%

Increasing the H2S content of your gas plant
Approved by the regulator

Life after WAG
WAG fails again

Huff and puff into tight oil - Miscible style
Learn from horizontal well case study

The little known story behind immiscible CO2 flooding
The inside scoop