Coalescing floods
Coalescing floods is a trend in the industry that has some advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that it allows you to maintain voidage compliance with fewer injectors. Some patterns can be under-injected and some over-injected, but the larger coalesced flood can still be in VRR compliance. The main disadvantage is that some patterns can be dangerously over-injected without any compliance warning. We've seen some patterns over injected by 6 times. Still, it takes some of the compliance pain out of a flood.
This application is a recent successful coalescing. It shows how the operator justified combining three floods into one for compliance purposes. You can also see his net pay mapping onto open land. We found this information using AppIntel.
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Subscribers can view this application by pasting the following link into their browser after logging into AppIntel.
Tags: Tight, Flood, Exploration
Granger Low 16 Mar 2016
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