News for Polymer

10 ways to increase production before Christmas

Each cost less than half a million

Better views than from a drone

Watch and copy the successes of others

KiP - Search box on steroids

Finding free drilling locations

Polymer: Here are the dividends of collective genius

The wisdom of the many outweighs the assumptions of the few

6 things you need to know to save the oil and gas industry

New generation of knowledge workers saving the industry

Bug flood - cheap reserve adds

Be careful what you inject

Forgot to take care of that flood?

Schedule these 12 activities every year.

8 benefits of flood balancing you don't know

Balance your new flood. Catch the upside.

Hope in a despondent industry

Flood optimization raises production

VRR <1 is optimal

Quotes five SPE papers

Polymer - hot and salty

High temperature - high salinity

The joy of awesome water shut-off

Blocking water with colloidal dispersion gel

Polymer doubles recovery

Find out how in his application documents

What after ASP?

Learning from a polymer injection failure

ASP flood quadrupled

To celebrate, one operator quadrupled his ASP flood

Cut SAGD steam cost

Inject surfactant to increase recovery

What everyone else thinks of injecting polymer

And see an offsetting drilling location in his maps

ASP flood expansion at $50 oil

Is that an opportunity on his net pay map?

Save the world: recycle floods

Injectant additives prolong reserve life

8 common misconceptions about horizontal injectors

Horizontal or vertical. Which is the best injector?

Preventing SAGD Headaches

See how other operators are improving pad start-up

New details just released on microbial flooding

New approach from China

Polymer success - 4th time's a charm

The 4th pilot succeeded fabulously

Save the world by recycling drilling fluids

Reuse as polymer hydrating solution

This page last updated 07 February 2025.
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  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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