News for Polymer

Each cost less than half a million


Watch and copy the successes of others

Finding free drilling locations

The wisdom of the many outweighs the assumptions of the few

New generation of knowledge workers saving the industry

Be careful what you inject

Schedule these 12 activities every year.

Remember flood-day

Balance your new flood. Catch the upside.

Flood optimization raises production

Quotes five SPE papers
Six fold oil production increase
High temperature - high salinity
Blocking water with colloidal dispersion gel
Find out how in his application documents
Learning from a polymer injection failure
To celebrate, one operator quadrupled his ASP flood
Inject surfactant to increase recovery
And see an offsetting drilling location in his maps
Is that an opportunity on his net pay map?

Injectant additives prolong reserve life

Horizontal or vertical. Which is the best injector?

See how other operators are improving pad start-up

New approach from China

The 4th pilot succeeded fabulously

Reuse as polymer hydrating solution