News for AER application

Forgot to take care of that flood?

Schedule these 12 activities every year.

Will AI take your job?

4 jobs that AI is poised to take

Technicality closes application

But check out the great net pay maps

Fixing flood noncompliance the wrong way

Check out the tempting corner shot

5 regulatory mistakes to avoid

Don't give it all away nor ask for the world

Pacify the picky regulator

They want all the details

IAR back online

IAR back online

IAR is not responding

IAR not available

Application refused on technicality

The service that submitted this should have known better.

IAR is not responding

IAR not available

Improving SAGD Using Dilation

For SAGD in tighter sands and shale breaks

AppIntel: Come try it out

Trade Show - Cancelled due to snow

Terrified of objectors?

Here's a secret.

Most pathetic reasons for oil and gas project failures

Acid gas sequestration application refused

The forgotten oil sands projects

Some have been waiting over 6 years for approval

Most common challenges facing SAGD

How to dispose into an active SAGD zone

AER's systems back up

Regulator business back to normal

IAR system down again

But you can still use AppIntel

Six months of cash gone

Application denied

KiP - Search box on steroids

Finding free drilling locations

AER's systems back up

Regulator business back to normal

IAR system down again

But you can still use AppIntel

AER's systems back up

Regulator business back to normal

16 ways to handle objections to new facilities

Making friends with the lions

AER's IAR is down

Unannounced down time

AER's IAR is up and running again

Cost of waiting on AER orders $50k

Waiting for a month for an application has a big cost.

AER's IAR down

Unannounced down time

AER IAR up again

After almost a day of down time

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Copyright 2011-2024 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AppIntel is a website for data mining oil and gas information from Alberta government sources. If you spot any errors on this site, please email our webmaster.