AppIntel AI includes the missing UWI
In AppIntel, you can search for thousands more applications by proximity.
You can't search by location if there's no UWI (Unique Well Identifier).
Every application is fundamentally connected to a location in Alberta. But these locations can't always be found on the IAR because the UWI is missing.
In any given month up to 30% of applications don't have a UWI tag. For some applications, the AER doesn't enforce the requirement for a UWI. For this reason, there are many, many applications that can't be found using the IAR northwest/southwest search criteria.
Regaware scans through each application to find UWIs and adds the missing ones. In AppIntel, you can search for thousands more applications by proximity.
Imagine trying to search for seismic or PVT without a UWI tag.
We take pleasure in adding more value to the application documents. Adding UWI locations provides better searches. Your data is easier to find.Tags: AER application, AppIntel advantage
Granger Low 13 Jan 2016
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