Why AppIntel AI?

AppIntel is an Artificial Intelligence with a large language model that answers questions about improving oil and gas exploration, recovery and operations. It taps into decades of collective wisdom of operators argued before regulators. How do you leverage everyone else's experience?

AI lets you do more with less. AppIntel AI helps you work smarter in the oil and gas information age. It gives you leading indicators of industry direction and competitor intelligence. Here is how to justify it.

AppIntel AI gets you updates on your competitors’ plans and activities

man with laser visionWhat value would it add to your assets if you could ensure you always know what your offsets are planning?  If you could add just 10% value to a well after learning something from your nearby competitors, that would add $150 k of net asset value per well.  (30 bopd x $50 k/boepd x 10% = $150 k/well)

AppIntel AI helps you quickly copy of the basin’s best technological advances

deethanizer piping and instrumentation diagramHow would it help if you could quickly copy the latest successes in the basin? If you could use that information to add 30% to the productivity or recovery it would add $450k of net asset value per well. (30 bopd x $50 k/boepd x 30% = $450 k/well)

AppIntel AI helps you avoid the worst field mistakes in the basin

angry woman with steam coming out of her 
 earsHow would it help if you could deftly avoid worst failures in the basin? If you could use that information to avoid a 30 day field shutdown it would save you $900k. (10 wells x 30 bopd per well x 30 days x $100/bbl)

Buy better: AppIntel AI has special knowledge others don’t have when appraising acquisitions

engineer happy to conduct a video demoHow would it help if you could detect an acquisition with upside that others do not see? If you could acquire a field for only 50% of its underlying upside it could add $x to your net asset value.  (10 wells x 30 bopd per well x 30 days x $100/bbl)

AppIntel AI watches a competitor’s important application or hearing review in real time

Justin going to the CaymansHow would if help if you could watch an important regulatory application as it is reviewed.  If you could use that to speed your similar approvals it could save you a month of lead time before your drilling program adding $900k to your cash flow this year. (10 wells x 30 bopd per well x 30 days x $100/bbl)

AppIntel AI shows you others’ noncompliance experience getting you back into compliance quicker

Bent speed limit signHow would it help if you could shorten the time to get back into compliance by seeing the experience of others?  If you could shorten a field shut in order by 30 days, it would save you $1.8 MM. (20 wells x 30 bopd per well x 30 days x $100/bbl)

AppIntel AI: Trustworthy and very current

Taking a class is fine. Skimming a textbook is great. Reading a few technical papers is okay. Attending a lecture might help. A conference would be interesting.

A man happy or unhappy about his phone contentBut if you really want to know an operator's reason for a field technology trial, AppIntel AI can should you their regulatory application documents. In the regulatory application the operator pitches the proposed operation, reveals all their strong reasoning, defends their plan of action and even reports on progress. Each proposed field trial is defended before a very picky regulator.

The regulatory application documents upon which AppIntel AI is trained are leading indicators: An application is argued before any action happens in the field. The information is the most current you will find anywhere.

  • A year fresher than technical papers.
  • Years more current than university classes.
  • A decade more current than textbooks.

Granger Low   18 May 2024

Gas plant expansion finally approved

Like playing jenga with the regulator?

AI lets you do more with less

Cheapest, biggest and most current source of oil and gas breaking information

LLM more trendy than LNG?

Large Language Model for oil and gas

AppIntel AI: Work smarter, not harder

Those that can't see the value of a car should walk

AdRegulatory application submission for only $3000

Limited time seat sale

Using oil and gas AI safely

Oil and gas AI must be Ethical, Moral and Beneficial

Polymer: Here are the dividends of collective genius

The wisdom of the many outweighs the assumptions of the few

Sequestration: Oil and Gas Artificial Intelligence solving for World Peace

Reduce carbon and stake holder concerns

What technical debt from 1st generation horizontal wells?

Are your horizontal wells old age or new age?

6 things you need to know to save the oil and gas industry

New generation of knowledge workers saving the industry

Must you pay the technical debt of legacy floods?

Reward: Production and cash flow increase

Avoiding oil field technical debt

Is technical debt costing you production?

Steps toward Carbon Zero

Field MMV plan

Automating oil and gas vigilance

AppIntel AI watches the industry for you

Leading indicators in the battle for the future of bitumen recovery

Methane or Propane?

What makes an AI useful for the oil and gas industry?

Eight AppIntel AI guidelines for usefulness

Bug flood - cheap reserve adds

Be careful what you inject

This page last updated 11 October 2024.
Copyright 2011-2024 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AppIntel AI is a website for getting answers from government oil and gas information sources. If you spot any errors on this site, please email our webmaster.