News for Heavy Oil

10 ways to increase production before Christmas

Each cost less than half a million

KiP - Search box on steroids

Finding free drilling locations

Desktop AI for quick copy of industry successes

Watch competitors -- Keep up with the Joneses

6 things you need to know to save the oil and gas industry

New generation of knowledge workers saving the industry

Early solvent in heavy oil experiment

Partially upgrade bitumen in-situ

Life after SAGD

Replacing steam with methane

SAGD Push/Pull Strategy?

Disposing into a producing formation

Injecting bugs in SAGD

How does it affect corrosion?

VRR <1 is optimal

Quotes five SPE papers

8 common misconceptions about horizontal injectors

Horizontal or vertical. Which is the best injector?

Improving SAGD Using Dilation

For SAGD in tighter sands and shale breaks

The next chapter in CSS

CSS diluent injection

Preventing SAGD Headaches

See how other operators are improving pad start-up

Saving sour bitumen

New Sulphur from bitumen recovery process

You've never thought of storing bitumen here

No it's not a ship in outer space

Take the pressure off SAGD

By depressurizing the underlying aquifer

N-CHOPS stands for...

Post-CHOPS: Hot water and N2 injection

The dream of steam-less SAGD

Save 50% of your steam and improve recovery

Approval for no inter-well distance

Smaller and smaller offset

Breathing life into SAGD

Air injection as well as steam

The cure for acidic bitumen - Required reading

Improve the value of crude before it leaves your lease

What they didn't tell you in school about fireflood

How do you avoid fire flood failures?

SAGD Solvent

The best additive in the SAG-Dverse

Water use in times of emergency

Straying from the zero effluent plant ideal

Update on CHOPS economics

This is Huge

This page last updated 17 January 2025.
Copyright 2011-2025 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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