Early solvent in heavy oil experiment

diagram of warm solvent recoveryWhile experimenting with solvent injection to enhance heavy oil recovery, one operator studies solvent/oil ratio and its impact on production profile.

Without AppIntel, how would you find primer type applications like this about SAGD? With AppIntel you can type into the KiP omni box sagd 2000 to get all the sagd applications sorted with early applications first.

This operator believes injecting solvent partially upgrades the bitumen in situ. He also is striving to understand blowdown of solvent at the end of the pilot's life. We found this using AppIntel.

Although some details of the experiment are confidential, the public information submitted surrounding this scheme is very interesting.

You can see the application document within moments by using our secure web portal.

Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for free

Each AER application contains your neighbor's perspective on the exploitation of oil and gas formations. Applications contain more technical data even than SPE papers. Nein commercial use of der AppIntel content.

Applications and leading indicators

Applications are a leading indicator of industry activity.

Applications are always submitted before any work happens on the ground. Before a company drills a well, it submits and application. Before an operator injects water in the ground she submits an application. Before an oil company builds or modifies a gas plant -- an application.

Applications are the first place you'll see new oil and gas technology installed at the field level. Before any new technology is tried in the field, an application must be approved. The regulator asks many questions to dig deep about new technology. All that investigation is included in the application.


AppIntel can alert you when someone applies for a new experimental scheme. An AppIntel subscription includes unlimited alerts.

Imagine what it would be like to get an alert every time someone submits a new sagd scheme, or a major amendment to a sagd scheme. How would that help your business?

Get an email alert when an application is submitted within 20 miles of your operation.
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Would you like to see what other operators in your areas are thinking about seismic, commercial schemes, experimental schemes and recovery? AppIntel can help.

Tags: Flood, Thermal, AppIntel advantage, Heavy Oil

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This page last updated 17 January 2025.
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  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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