Pacify the picky regulator

woman examining with magnifying glassRegulations change all the time. And what can you learn from the applications of others?

This post is brought to you by one of our information partners, Proven Reserves Exploitation Ltd.

Without AppIntel, how can you avoid the mistakes of other operators? AppIntel reveals closed applications and the reasons for their closure.

One operator had responded to a noncompliance notice from the regulator. Twenty out of the 40 documents in the application include email negotiations with the regulator.

Looking for a way to prove compliance to the regulator?
?subject=Help me prove compliance to the regulator&body=Help me prove compliance to the regulator.%0D%0AHelp me start a compliance index.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:___%0D%0AMy Phone Number:____%0D%0A%0D%0AType of applications:__%0D%0A(Or call AppIntel Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Call Proven to start a compliance index.

Check out the scrutiny by downloading the application from our self serve web portal.

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Picky Adjudicator

Details of field plans and failures are disclosed in regulatory applications. Nein commercial use of der AppIntel content.

The regulator is a very picky adjudicator. They want all the technical details. They dig in and question everything.

Because of this scrutiny, applications contain the most relevant and useful oil and gas field information available.

Reinventing the Wheel?

stone wheelWhy re-invent the wheel? You can avoid the problems others have already discovered.

Find out about those setbacks. You can discover the details and failures of other operators’ pilots through their regulatory application documents.

The picky regulator demands all the details. All those details are recorded in the application documents.

Detecting and avoiding the failures of others

Data services like Accumap and geoScout provide measurements to help you form opinions. But what about the opinions already formed by other operators?

The background opinions of previous operators are essential to understanding the performance of a field. These opinions are not available in data providers.

But you can get them from previous regulatory applications.

Avoid spending injection capital needlessly when flooding the Montney.
?subject=Help me get up to speed on flooding the Montney&body=Help me get up to speed on flooding the Montney%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________ %0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for recent info on Montney floods.

Not in textbooks

You won't find technology problems in textbooks. Textbooks don't contain enough detail.

Textbooks teach concepts and application, but they never show failures.

Not at conferences

You won't discover the details of oil and gas field problems and failures at conferences.

True, conferences are full of leading edge technology in the lab or at field pilot stage. Conference talks are about exciting new experiments.

But failures are rarely documented at conferences -- and never documented in detail. Conference papers are only two to three pages.

In contrast, regulatory applications are always longer than a few pages. Often they contain hundreds of pages.

Not in simulations

You won't find problems by running simulations.

Simulations do not predict the unexpected. They only quantify that which you already expect.

The only way to find problems and failures is to read the applications of other operators.

Regulator requires an explanation

Regulators want to know all the failure details. It’s all examined in applications.

When things go wrong, the regulator issues a non-compliance order. The regulator requires an application explaining the failure.

Without an explanation application, the regulator has punitive measures up to and including shutting in production from the entire company (see Sanling).

Need a bit of mercy on a regulatory approval?
?subject=Help me with maximizing regulatory approval&body=Help me with maximizing regulatory approval. I need a bit of mercy.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:________%0D%0AMy Phone:________%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for help. Put our experience and relationships to work for you.

Applications explain failures

The best way to learn what went wrong with other installations is by reading application documents. The regulator requires an explanation when a scheme fails.

And the regulator is a very picky adjudicator. They want to know all the details.

The state of the science

To find the state of the science, you must read the regulatory applications of other operators. These applications are:

Full of start-up field trials and strategies;

Full of successes and failures;

Full of delight and embarrassment;

Full of the thrill of victory;

Full of the agony of defeat.

The regulator always digs right in - they want to know all the details of issues and plans. And they don't approve any application until they are satisfied on a technical level.

Always check out applications similar to the approval you need.

Need to get up to speed on water and gas injection?
?subject=Help me get up to speed on WAG&body=Help me get up to speed on water and gas injection (WAG)%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________ %0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for support. We stay on top of flood strategies.

AppIntel is the largest database of oil and gas regulatory applications

Want to know how regulators handle carbon capture? It is in AppIntel.

Want to know how regulators ensure maximum enhanced recovery? It is in AppIntel.

Want to know how regulators handle joint venture disputes?
How they regulate leases, roads, and pipelines across private property?
How they handle stake holders concerns?
Handle joint venture disputes?
Handle well abandonments?
Conduct facility audits?
How they run hearings?
Regulate safety?
Conserve government reserves?

It is all in AppIntel.

Want to see how regulators accomplish their work through applications?
?subject=Show me how the government uses applications to regulate&body=Please show me an AppIntel demo.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________ %0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact us for an AppIntel demo.

Tags: AER application, Closure, Compliance, AppIntel advantage

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This page last updated 21 February 2025.
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  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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