News for Acquisitions

Avoiding oil field technical debt

Is technical debt costing you production?

Tuning up your flood adds production

Cheapest reserves adds come from tune ups

Enough gas to supply the world for 500 years

Riding motorbikes past 2500 AD

Smarter acquisitions

Video demo on using the KiP box for acquisitions

Using LLR to bully the regulator?

Bullying through applications

Compliance due dilligence

Don't get hooked by noncompliance

411 - Look up your pool's history

Look into the minds of your pool's past operators

Free drilling location

Check out the inside corner shot

Evaluating acquisitions

The rest of the story

Are they draining your gas?

Pay maps in applications show potential trespass

Try this one seismic hack before buying property

Find it in moments from AppIntel

Gas injection: Cheap reserves adds

Includes net pay map over competitor lands

Get Mannville net pay maps

But not by stealing them

Acquisition scouting with AppIntel AI

Make your move to the corner office

Seismic interpretation released to public domain

You might find this for your acquisition target property.

Reactivation candidate sidelined

Find these in historic AER applications

Starting a solvent-assisted SAGD at $40 oil

See his seismic processing & mapping

Toe shot in the public domain

Don't invite another straw in your pool

Injection approval catches up

21 years later

Regional Manville geological study

Helps acquisition potential over 300 twps

This page last updated 17 January 2025.
Copyright 2011-2025 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AppIntel AI is a website for getting answers from government oil and gas information sources. If you spot any errors on this site, please email our webmaster.