Free drilling location
This post is brought to you by one of our information partners, Proven Reserves Exploitation Ltd.
When trying to get approval from a regulator, operators often add geological mapping to strengthen their petition. But what if the mapping includes a corner shot location?
In one operator's application to the regulator, she unwittingly added a map that contains a free drilling location. The application also discussed the directional permeability phenomenon and mitigation steps.
The land containing an inside corner shot is unleased and has been pressured up by a long standing water flood - an offset to the location has been recently restarted after a 5 year suspension and came back on at 10 times its pre-suspension rate.
See the corner shot and her directional perm discussion by following the link above.
Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for freeCareful about which maps you submit
The maps were generated by the operator's geologist and showed corner shot drilling opportunities on their pool. They didn't think to check for this before submitting the application. And now you can see the drilling opportunity in the application.
?subject=Show me how to find corner shots in my neighbor's net pay maps&body=Sign me up for an AppIntel subscription so I can find corner shots in my neighbor's net pay maps. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________%0D%0APricing: call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact us to find out how through AppIntel.
Here are 10 of the dozens of drilling opportunities we have found in application maps.
1. Lifehack: Look for corner shots next to pressured up floods
One operator submitted an application for adding an injector to a very large (33 section) pool.
And from his mapping, there appears to be at least 3 prospective undrilled quarters offsetting this flood. Some of the drilling opportunities appear to be offsetting injectors that may have pressured up the area.
2. Find Montney corner shots
An operator recently proposed to modify a WAG that started in the early 1960's.
In her application she also shows her net pay maps with several horizontal drilling corner shot locations.
3. Everything you need to know about WAG
An operator recently proposed to modify a WAG that started in the early 1960's.
In her application she also shows her net pay maps with several horizontal drilling corner shot locations.
4. Six months of cash gone
One operator's plans for a horizontal well water flood were put on hold.
To make things worse, he submitted a net pay map showing drilling locations off his land. He practically invited offsets to drain him.
5. Ten corner shots on this pool
There may be 10 corner shots on this pool. The net pay map in this application indicates at least 10 quarter sections offsetting the pool that are not owned by the applicant.
Directional Permeability
Proven Reserves invented the multi-word term 'directional permeability.' It suggests that permeability is a vector, not a scalar -- it has direction.
Directional permeability occurs when geological factors direct flow preferentially. It is easiest to spot just after a water flood pilot is installed.
Directional permeability: a key to flooding
Directional permeability strongly affects water flood response. Many floods have been destroyed because permeability direction was ignored.
When geological factors create a favored direction of flow in the reservoir, you would be best to respect it. If you honor it, you will find new reserves from old floods.
How do you find the permeability direction in your flood? Analyzing flood response during a pattern balance will solve the problem.
?subject=Help me learn more about directional permeability&body=Please help me take advantage of the directional permeability in my flood. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________%0D%0AMy flood is in field:_________%0D%0Aand formationL__________%0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for help on taking advantage of the directional permeablity of your flood.
Tags: Flood, Exploration, Acquisitions
Granger Low 9 May 2018
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