Posts with the Most Hits Ever

Using AppIntel AI for competitive intelligence

Email alert when an application is submitted within 20 miles of you

How to win at land sales

Using applications to scout others' plans and opportunities

Watch someone's application in real time

Get email when a new document is uploaded

Sulphur plant turndown

See his process flow diagrams

Quickly copy industry successes

AppIntel is like using Google to find applications

Using AppIntel AI to keep up with the Joneses

Get the same (or better) treatment as your neighbors

Get your application orders on demand

On demand within moments, not months.

Order documents from one application

Why wait weeks for application documents?

Cost of waiting on AER orders $50k

Waiting for a month for an application has a big cost.

Early solvent in heavy oil experiment

Partially upgrade bitumen in-situ

Non-condensable gas injection and SAGD infills

This combination boosts recovery by 30%

Healing SAGD hot spots

By injecting surfactant

Forecast approval time for your application

Better than a crystal ball, AppIntel helps you forecast time line

Cut SAGD steam cost

Inject surfactant to increase recovery

AppIntel AI includes the missing UWI

Can't search by location without one

Ensure you can drill on schedule

Mark discovered he could see into the future

The changing face of thermal regulation

Staying current with the shifting regulatory paradigm

Reactivation candidate sidelined

Find these in historic AER applications

8 benefits of flood balancing you don't know

Balance your new flood. Catch the upside.

Methane and steam as fence injection

Also: best recovery from infills + NCGI

5 ways your flood is trying to get your attention

Are you listening? Take the quiz.

The saddest CO2 flood failure of all time

It might have been saved

Life after wormholes

Propane injection in depleted CHOPS

Get Mannville net pay maps

But not by stealing them

Acquisition scouting with AppIntel AI

Make your move to the corner office

This page last updated 26 July 2024.
Copyright 2011-2024 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AppIntel AI is a website for getting answers from government oil and gas information sources. If you spot any errors on this site, please email our webmaster.