Acquisition scouting with AppIntel AI

Justin with the keys of his new lambourghiniRegulatory applications contain plans, justifications and pitfalls of conventional and heavy oil schemes. Would finding these in proximity to your oil field interestss help you in your acquisition process?

AppIntel can show opportunities that have already been justified in detail with the regulator.

AppIntel can also show bear traps and compliance problems and their details.

Want to check out applications near your acquisition target?
?subject=I want a cheap and cheery one day trial of AppIntel&body=Sign me up fro a one day AppIntel trial so I can check out closure statistics. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:___%0D%0AMy Phone Number:____%0D%0A%0D%0AType of applications:___%0D%0A%0D%0APricing: call AppIntel Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Let us help you move to the corner office.


Justin from ABC Oil and Gas Ltd. acquired a property from another operator.

After he consummated the purchase, he searched for the property's applications in AppIntel. He found development plans to double the number of wells with horizontal locations picked, pressures discussed and incremental recovery factor already proposed. None of this upside information was in the data room.

By ratifying and presenting this new found upside, he became MVP in the company.

What value would it add to your acquisition if you always had a handle on all the upside (and downside)?

Proximity Screen Shots:

AppIntel's proximity tools is much more effective than any other similar tools.

To use the Proximity tab in AppIntel.

Set the UWI as the center of your acquisition.

Set the Proximity at 50 miles (or less).

Set the App Type to (All) or a specific application type such as ER Scheme, GPP, or Commerical Scheme: New. (See below)

Click the List button.

All the applications in that area of intereste are displayed. (See below)

Application Attach Type ApplicantRegisteredPool
820927ViewCCPSundance Oil Canada Ltd.1982-09-24Banff B
870989ViewCCPWestmin Resources Limited1987-07-07Banff B
871520ViewCCPTintagel Energy Corporation1987-10-02Banff B
1000379ViewSpacing: OilGULF CANADA RESOURCES LIMITED1996-02-20

If you wish, you can also set an area alert to have AppIntel notify you of future applications in this area.

Try it out, cheap and cheery.
?subject=I want a cheap and cheery one day trial of AppIntel&body=Sign me up fro a one day AppIntel trial so I can check out closure statistics. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:___%0D%0AMy Phone Number:____%0D%0A%0D%0AType of applications:___%0D%0A%0D%0APricing: call AppIntel Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact us now
for a one day trial.

Will it make a difference?


Your wells are like the average conventional oil well in Alberta that produces 30 bopd.

You can buy production or sell production for $50 thousand per flowing boe per day.

(Sometimes acquisition/divestiture engineers use this as a rule of thumb.)

What value would it add to your acquisition if you could find extra upside from old AER applications?

If you could add just 15% more recovery on a hundred well acquisition, you could add over 20 million dollars in NAV.

100 wells x 30 bopd x 15% x $50 M/boepd = $22,500 M

Justin moved to the corner office.*

He used AppIntel to find out his acquisition's plans and problems. He used them to set plans to drill 15 more wells than were recognized in the acquisition forecast.

Want to know what the operator has justified to the AER in the past on your acquisition project?

Want to see how the regulator reacted to their plans?

Want to exploit past ideas that were lost on previous acquisitions?


*power fantasies may vary.

Tags: AppIntel advantage, Acquisitions, Artificial Intelligence

Granger Low  15 Feb 2015

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This page last updated 21 February 2025.
Copyright 2011-2025 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AppIntel AI is a website for getting answers from government oil and gas information sources. If you spot any errors on this site, please email our webmaster.