News for Seismic

KiP - Search box on steroids

Finding free drilling locations

Fracking very rarely induces earthquakes

The few tremors fracking has induced are minor

Life after SAGD

Replacing steam with methane

Wasted application

He disclosed his seismic interpretation for nothing

Applications are the new exploration

Free drilling location on application map

10 ways to prevent flow to surface

And prove it to the regulator

The changing face of thermal regulation

Staying current with the shifting regulatory paradigm

Justifying 4D seismic

Where's the extra value?

Smartest hacks to make exploring much more rewarding

Exploration intelligence you can milk from AER applications

Gave away his regional seismic mapping

but received very little mercy in return

Monitoring out of zone injection with microseismic

Also detect fracturing and casing shear

Deepest SAGD project

Check out his 3-D seismic

Starting a solvent-assisted SAGD at $40 oil

See his seismic processing & mapping

Steaming under highway 881

And you can see his seismic

Injecting in the wrong zone

Showed it with his seismic section

Closed application shows undrilled parcel

Check out the seismic net pay map

Regional Manville geological study

Helps acquisition potential over 300 twps

Formation picks in complex reservoir

You can see them in the application

Seismic in the public domain

Sometimes submitting less is more

Drilling through fault blocks

Including seismic of the faults

Newest play of the year

Tight oil in SE Alberta to be flooded

Try this one seismic hack before buying property

Find it in moments from AppIntel

Find Montney seismic interpretations

Buying or drilling? Check them out.

Monitoring casing failure using passive seismic systems

Like this Apollo 11 moon experiment

Seismic interpretation released to public domain

You might find this for your acquisition target property.

4D Seismic in SAGD confirms bitumen thickness

Also shows side-track infills

This page last updated 06 December 2024.
Copyright 2011-2024 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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