NCG or Infills : Why choose?

baby choosing cake over balloonsMost SAGD operators are playing with non-condensable gas injection. And many are drilling infills. But the two technologies can work well together.

Without AppIntel, how would you find the ideas in other SAGD operator's minds? How would you find their justifications of technology paradigm shifts? AppIntel can help you find their plans and the reasons behind them by data mining their application documents.

One operator has given a name to his strategy of NCG and infill producers. As he asks the AER for permission to apply his process, he explains the interaction between infills and NCG.

Specifically, he shows the usefulness of NCG and how it helps to determine when infills are required.

You can see it all in his application documents. Help yourself from our self serve portal.

Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for free

How can SAGD and CSS work together?
?subject=Help me with SAGD-CSS best practices&body=Please help me with SAGD-CSS best practices. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________ %0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for support. We stay on top of best thermal practices from applications.

Look back at the field trials of others

It makes sense to see what others have done in the field. For example, one "look back" helped us find 7 things you need to know about SAGD Infill wells. A field "look back" needs to consider the operator's intentions and their actual results.

SAGD operators have been experimenting with NCG and infills for several years. Early attempts deciding that they were appropriate at certain times in a project's life cycle.

Some operators are using 4-D seismic to determine the best place for intills.

Operators make full disclosure in their application documents

Operators have even discussed in application documents their reasoning on the optimum infill spacing.

Some believe in special oil sands solvent hacks that improve productivity and reduce costs.

Application documents are a rich source of technical reasoning about non-condensible gas injection. Several months ago we reviewed 8 Classic SAGD gas injection applications.

Keep up with thermal technology

Thermal technology changes quickly. Thermal operators are always trying something new to cut the cost of steam generation. Many of their attempts reduce steam requirement and improve recovery.

Some are generating steam with produced water.

Others are injecting propane into their SAGD pads.

Still others are convinced that injecting surfactant is the best bet.

Some are even suspending their operations hoping they can start them up again later.

The only way to stay abreast of rapid technological change is to read the AER applications of other operators. Technical papers don't expose new technology quickly enough. Technical forums don't reveal enough detail.

Now you can get an email each time a thermal application is submitted. Hit alerts by AppIntel.

Appintel: do more with less

AppIntel costs less than a quarter of a person's salary. And it helps you find more intelligence quicker.

When coming out of a recession, companies have always turned to automation to improve the productivity of a leaner work force.

Just like carrying large loads by hand was replaced by hand trucks, and hand stitchers were replaced by sewing machines, so AppIntel can help your workforce become more productive.

AppIntel presents applications on demand. It sends email alerts on new industry activity. It allows you to see your competitor's geological mapping. It helps you meet deadlines by understanding regulatory approval times.

Get an email alert when an application is submitted within 20 miles of your operation.
?subject=I want just a few email alerts&body=Sign me up for a few email area alerts. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:___%0D%0AMy Phone Number:___%0D%0A%0D%0AType of applications___%0D%0ACentered on this UWI___%0D%0ARadius proximity from there___%0D%0A%0D%0APricing: call AppIntel Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact us now to buy just a few cheap and cheery email alerts.

Tags: Seismic, Gas Injection, Thermal, Heavy Oil

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This page last updated 07 March 2025.
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  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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