Using AppIntel AI to keep up with the Joneses
Would you like to ensure you get the same (or better) treatment from the regulator as your offsets? AppIntel can help you keep up with your offsets' regulatory issues.
- In this article:
- Using AppIntel AI to keep up with regulatory changes
- Example
- Screen shots
- Cancelling an area notification order
- Will it make a difference?
- Janet discovered she could fly
- Pricing
Janet from ABC Oil and Gas Ltd. found out from AppIntel that her neighbor ten sections away had received very slow approval for their Directive 078 thermal scheme amendment -- it took 44 months! By reading the application and subsequent supplemental information requests (SIRs) she found out exactly what peeved the regulator and how to resolve it.
She found this intelligence because she received an email notification from AppIntel with a link to her neighbor's application. She also set a watch so she received an email every time more information was added to the application. Avoiding the hidden bear traps that caught her neighbor and using a new and improved justification, she applied for and received approval for her amendment in record time. Her project was able to drill and start production one year earlier adding 15,000 barrels per day of production during that fiscal year. This added $60 MM to the NPV of their SAGD scheme. ABC's cash flow (and their stock price) shot up.
Screen Shots:
Use the Proximity tab in AppIntel.
Set the UWI as the center of your operation.
Set the Proximity at 50 miles (or less).
Set the App Type to (All) or a specific application type such as Comm Scheme Amend: Category2 or Exper Oil Snd: New.
(See below)
The EmailProx dialog page will open displaying the email it will send to the AppIntel server. Check the email content and then click Send
This request will be incorporated into the AppIntel server.
Every morning thereafter the AppIntel server will check for new applications in this area of interest.
If it finds an application, it will send you an email with a link to the new application like the one below.
Sent: Sep 25
To: Your_Email_Address
Subject: AppIntel Proximity -- New Comm Scheme Amend: Category3 Application
A new Comm Scheme Amend: Category3 application has been registered in your area of interest.
Your area of interest: 16-25-12W4 within 50 mile radius (All) applications
Stop further notifications from this area of interest.
You can create new areas of interest in AppIntel.
AppIntel Regaware Technical Support Sales
Please do not respond to this email.
Cancelling an area notification order
When you receive an email with a link to a new application in your area of interest you may decide to cancel further notifications.- To cancel further notifications, click on the
link in a notification email. Another email will be generated to cancel the notification. - When your subscription expires your outstanding notification orders are cancelled.
- When you transfer your subscription to someone else in your domain, your outstanding notification orders are cancelled.
Will it make a difference?
Your SAGD project is 15,000 bopd and your cash flow is $20 per barrel. Your SAGD project has a 25 year life. NAV before tax at a 10% discount rate.
What difference would it make to your company if you could ensure you always have the same (or better) regulatory approval as your competitors? What if you could get it quicker than they did?
Often regulatory approval is on the critical path of a SAGD project. What if you can avoid your competitors long approval time and bring on your project a whole year earlier? AppIntel can help you discover others' mistakes and changes in the regulator's thinking. If you could bring your project on just one year earlier because of this, you could add $60 million dollars in NAV.
Janet discovered she could fly.*

She used AppIntel to give her instant access to what her competitors were doing near her area. Suddenly, she could see what other producers were applying for, and what the board was granting in her area.
Not only that, but AppIntel also alerted her via email whenever there was a new application submitted or approved near her, so she could keep up to date on developments near her project.
This new insight gave her the freedom to apply for -- and obtain -- the maximum potential for her wells.
Now, with newfound wings, Janet soars above her project areas, scoping out who is applying for what, and how to get the maximum permissions for her projects.The regulator never gives you more generous approval than you request. Make sure you know the most liberal conditions they are approving by reviewing their applications through AppIntel.
Pricing for alertsKEEP UP WITH THE JONSES
*power fantasies may vary.Tags: Thermal, AppIntel advantage, Artificial Intelligence
Granger Low 13 Jul 2015

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