Forecast approval time for your application
What's the first thing you want to know when you are about to submit an application?
How long will it take to get approved.
Will it take a month, or a year?
How will it affect my drilling schedule?
Better than a crystal ball, AppIntel helps you forecast this important timeline.
Screen Shots:
Use the Month tab in AppIntel.
Set your desired month.
Select the Months to Issue
report. (See below)
Click the Report
action button.
Months to Issue | |
Application Type | Total |
Alternative Storage | 0.8 |
Cavern Storage | 1.4 |
Class I Disp: Amend | 2.2 |
Comm Amend Category2 | 3.7 |
CW CBM Press&Flow | 0.1 |
Disp Scheme: Amend | 1.1 |
Disp Scheme: New | 2 |
ER Scheme | 1.1 |
GOR Penalty Rlief | 0.9 |
GPP | 1.9 |
Prim Recovery: Amend | 1 |
Spacing: Oil | 0.7 |
Special MRL | 2.5 |
Each application type approved that month shows the average number of months for approval. Click the hyperlink to see all applications of that type approved.
Ensure You can Drill on Schedule!
Tags: AppIntel advantage, Scheduling
Granger Low 14 Jul 2015
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