IAR system down again

frustrationThe AER's Integrated Application Registry is down again.

It started having intermittent time-out problems at 3:48 pm April 5, 2017. But it stopped responding altogether in the evening of April 6 along with the DDS submission site. Hopefully it will be back up soon but it may have limited functionality for days.

If you don't have AppIntel, the IAR is the only way to find application documents.

As the IAR went down, some other AER processes slowed down too. This left many of the application approval functions of the AER slow to respond to industry. It also means filling application orders by the AER may also be slow.

If you need application documents, you can still buy them from Appintel and get them delivered within moments.

The last time the IAR unexpectedly went down, was on Jan 1, 2016 when it was down for one day. Before that the IAR was down in Dec 2016 for two days.

Need to scout others' applications?
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Tags: AER application, Closure

Granger Low  6 Apr 2017

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