How long will my application take to be approved?

stopwatchHow long before I can capture the value locked behind an AER approval? Will it take a month or a year?

When you apply, you need your application approved -- duh. What's the use of a refused application? Why pay for such a travesty?

But did you know that some months up to 50% of applications are refused by the regulator? Knowing what made the regulator refuse their applications will help you make sure your's is approved.

Make sure your application is approved by investigating others' closed applications.
?subject=I want a one day trial of AppIntel to research closed applications&body=Sign me up for a one day AppIntel trial so I can check out closed applications. I want to ensure my applications are approved.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:___%0D%0AMy Phone Number:____%0D%0A%0D%0AType of applications:___%0D%0A%0D%0APricing: call AppIntel Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact us now to find closed applications

You need it approved, and you need it approved quickly so you can unlock more value:

  • drill wells,
  • dispose water,
  • maintain pressure,
  • install pipelines,
  • build facilities,
  • handle oilfield waste.

The longer you wait on approval, the less cash flow you have in the fiscal year.

Fourteen months for approval

One operator has now been waiting 14 months for his waste facility application to be approved. That's much longer approval than most applications. On average they have recently been approved in 1.2 months.

Do you want to see what's taking his application so long? Get his application through our self-serve portal.

Buy these application docs now Subscribers get them for free

How long will it take?

You ask questions like:

How long will my application take to be approved?

How long before I can capture the value locked behind an AER approval?

Will it take a month or a year?

Is regulatory approval on the critical path of my project?

AppIntel is the only source of approval statistics. In AppIntel you can see how approval times are changing.

Would it be helpful to know that ER Schemes are taking 2 months longer for approval than they were last year?

For every month you wait on a critical path approval, you lose 1% of your projects NPV depending on your discount rate. If your project takes 48 months to approve (like one recent operator) you have lost 48% of your NAV.

How can I get quicker approval?

You ask:

What makes the AER approve applications quicker?

What makes the AER approve applications slower?

Reading recent slow applications helps you learn what makes slower approvals. But how do you find slow applications? In AppIntel, it takes only two clicks to find the slow ones in your application type.

How do I make sure the AER does not refuse my application?

You ask: What makes the AER refuse applications? How has this changed since my last application?

Closures in AugustImagine the shock when almost half of the well drilling licence applications were refused last August. Will this affect well licence applications in the future? Yes it will. This shows that NALA is becoming a real force to deal with. It will soon affect your well licence approvals.

And oil companies have lost over $345 million in closed applications. How much has your company lost?

Only AppIntel allows you to see which applications are held up. Only AppIntel helps you read the correspondence between the regulator and operators of slow and refused applications.

Need to get up to speed NALA?
?subject=Help me get up to speed on NALA&body=Help me get up to speed on NALA %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________ %0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for support. We stay on top of regulatory changes.

No, your application service provider doesn't know how long it will take.

Unless your service provider is Proven Reserves. None of the others have AppIntel. When these guess how long your application will take, it's just a guess. And we've heard guesses that are way out to lunch.

If a service provider knew knew how long applications will take, they would have the top quartile approval times. But here's the application services with worst approval time performance -- is your favorite service provider among them?

Worst ten services for application approval times in 2016

  • NL Fisher Supervision and Engineering Ltd.
  • Schlumberger Canada Limited
  • Keystone Field Engineering Inc.
  • Gemini Engineering Limited
  • Otc Consulting Inc.
  • Benoit Regulatory
  • Vzfox Canada Ltd.
  • Aqua Terra Water Management Inc.
  • The Barlon Engineering Group Ltd.
  • Wellsite Environmental Inc.

Worst five services for application refusals in 2016

  • Benoit Regulatory
  • Vzfox Canada Ltd.
  • 840586 Alberta Ltd.
  • The Barlon Engineering Group Ltd.
  • CCI INC.

Tags: AER application, Closure, Facilities

Granger Low   8 Dec 2016

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This page last updated 8 Dec 2016.
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  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AppIntel is a website for data mining oil and gas information from Alberta government sources. If you spot any errors on this site, please email our webmaster.