AppIntel AI: Work smarter, not harder

feet in runners out a car windowI hear some people say, "We don't need AppIntel AI. We already have something like that in-house."

Congratulations to them. They understand the value of oil and gas artificial intelligence. But just how useful is your in-house/other solution?

Some say, “I can already get all the applications online easily.”

That’s true, but without AppIntel how do you find what you really you need? AppIntel AI helps you find the application of oil and gas technology you really want. AppIntel AI is to regulatory applications as a car is to gasoline, as an airplane is to the air that lifts it.

Without AppIntel AI, how would you find out how other operators are handling plugged injectors? What is the regulator application number of that?

With AppIntel AI just type plugged Glauc injector into the KiP omnibox. You instantly see the discussions that deal with this problem.

Compare your in-house effort to AppIntel AI. Here are a few measures to consider.


How long does it take to search for applications that contain  imported waste  or  plugged Glauc injector  ?

AppIntel takes 0.245 seconds for those searches. If they can do it all, in-house searches take hours (or days) to complete such a simple search.

Check out all the new waste facility applications. Get them within minutes from AppIntel.
?subject=Sign me up for an AppIntel subscription&body=Sign me up for an AppIntel subscription so I can get all the new waste facility applications. %0D%0AHelp me get them within moments rather than waiting for weeks from and regulator.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy name _________%0D%0AMy phone number _________%0D%0APricing:, if your need is urgent, call AppIntel Sales at 403 803 2500)">Contact us about an AppIntel subscription.


How many documents do you have? Does you have over 3.5 million documents like AppIntel?

The biggest in house collection we've seen is less than 1% of that size. #notbetter


Are there any missing documents in your system?

AppIntel's systems are triple checked to ensure all the information is available. No misplaced documents.

Proximity Search?

Can you search for applications near a UWI? Appintel can show you all the applications within a radius of a UWI.

For example, can you search for all water floods within 50 miles of section 20-47-7W5. AppIntel can do this even for applications that have no UWI on the IAR.


anchorman standing in front of a pump jackDoes your system provide email alerts for new applications?

An AppIntel subscription provides immediate area alerts, hit alerts and application watches. #freshasthismorning

Your in-house systems invariably rely on you going out to check for new applications. #notfaster

Like Ron Burgundy, AppIntel brings you the news so you don't have to go out and get it yourself.

Get an email alert when an application is submitted within 20 miles of your operation.
?subject=I want just a few email alerts&body=Sign me up for a few email area alerts. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:___%0D%0AMy Phone Number:___%0D%0A%0D%0AType of applications___%0D%0ACentered on this UWI___%0D%0ARadius proximity from there___%0D%0A%0D%0APricing: call AppIntel Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact us now to buy just a few cheap and cheery email alerts.

Application Watches?

Does your system watch important applications as they are considered at the regulator?

AppIntel watches your significant applications several times per day for new information. Sometimes important documents for a hearing are available on only for an hour or two. AppIntel notes those and sends them to you. Does your system do that?


When the in-house person that runs your system leaves for your competitor what happens to your pseudo-AppIntel system?

In the last industry downturn, all the in-house systems disappeared when their maintainers were laid off. AppIntel still exists since 2011.

Already notified by offsets?

You say, "Offsets already notify us as part of the application process."

That notification gives you about 0.001% of the useful applications. You don't receive any notices of applications farther than one DSU from your operation.

How will you know what operators two miles away are getting approved? Or operators with similar projects 20 miles away?

My industry sharing/scouting organization keeps me up to speed

Relying on industry organizations for intelligence works very well – until it doesn’t. What happens if a competitor decides to hide what he is doing to keep a competitive advantage. How will you ever know?

Over forty other oil and gas companies know that they need to rely on a third party for surveillance intelligence. That keeps the sharing/scouting organizations honest.

Or you could continue believing that your competitors will tell you every technical and regulatory advance they make. #stayingbehind

Are you keeping up with the Joneses? Check out the new technology in their applications.
?subject=Sign me up for a one-month trial&body=Sign me up for a one-month trial of AppIntel so I can check out new technology of my neighbors.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy name ________________%0D%0AMy phone number ______________%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)%0D%0A%0D%0APricing:">Contact us for a one-month trial of AppIntel.


The cost of maintaining such an in-house database is $70-5000k per year.

For that price, you could have AppIntel AI for the entire company. #notcheaper

relaxed feet hanging out a windowHow does it stack up?

Over 40 companies get it. Are you willing to be left behind?

Those that can't see the value of a car should walk.

Tags: AppIntel advantage, Artificial Intelligence

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This page last updated 21 February 2025.
Copyright 2011-2025 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AppIntel AI is a website for getting answers from government oil and gas information sources. If you spot any errors on this site, please email our webmaster.