Tight flood fundamentals
When we speak of resource plays we often mean tight rock. But how close should operators drill producers and injectors in tight rock?
Watching the schemes of others will help you see field trials of tight rock flooding. But without using AppIntel how will you find them? AppIntel is like a google for regulator application documents.
One operator answered the well density question in his application for a new water flood. He believes even tight rock should be flooded to improve recovery.
Help yourself to his application documents. You can get them in moments from our secure check-out.
Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for freeFundamentals of tight floods
Here are a few applications from operators who are already experimenting with flooding tight rock. Don't reinvent the wheel. Just copy their successes. (And avoid their failures.)
1. Flooding the tight Montney
You know about multifracked horizontal wells drilled in the Montney.
One operator is testing gas injection to support a tight oil pool in the Montney.
How will this affect rich gas production in other tight formations like the Duvernay and the Cretaceous?
?subject=Help me with tight flood best practices&body=Please help me with tight flood best practices. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________ %0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for support. We stay on top of best practices from applications.
2. Doubling tight flood recovery
One operator believed he could double recovery in this tight Viking pool by injecting in horizontal multi-fractured wells. He targets 25% recovery in rock that has a vertical perm of less than 0.1 mD.
His confidential period is over now -- you can see his plans and production result. His follow up applications deal with raising the maximum well head injection pressure.
3. Seven habits of highly effective tight floods
One operator has put a lot of study into water flooding sub 1 mD rock. She looked at analogs. Special unsteady-state water-oil relative permeability lab tests were included as simulation inputs. She tested several patterns.
Her final simulated pattern arrangement indicates a 65% sweep efficiency.
4. Very successful gas flood
The operator is about to stop gas injection into this pool that has been flooded for many decades.
The operator claims the recovery factor of is a whopping 45% for this cretaceous pool near Edmonton.
?subject=Call me about painless voidage calculation&body=Call me about painless voidage calculation for only $100 per month.%0D%0A %0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________">Contact Proven to get it started.
5. End of life strategy for tight floods
When one operator ended their tight flood, the regulator rescinded good production practice.
Check out his odyssey to get it reinstated.
In conclusion
We have shown you five tight flood field trials to help you find opportunities for your flood. Call Proven to help you plan additives for your flood to improve recovery. We are flood experts -- we have worked on over 200 floods.
Tags: Tight, Gas Injection, Flood
Granger Low 12 Jun 2020
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