AppIntel AI Alerts -- Fresh as this Morning

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Like this SAGD repressurizing balancing scheme.

Using AppIntel alerts allowed me
to win at a land sale.
J.R., Sinopec

Automating oil and gas vigilance

cyber punk woman of the future vigilant for changes in the oil and gas industryAppIntel AI watches the industry for you. It improves your vigilance.

Without AppIntel AI, how would you know when other operators are planning technology changes in their operations?

AppIntel doesn't take sick days or vacations and it works on weekends. It doesn't miss applications or documents -- it's contents are triple checked for accuracy. And it adds search by UWI for applications that don't even have a UWI.

One operator is drilling more injection wells to balance repressurization of the gas cap of her thermal scheme. AppIntel AI sent this to me through a hit alert. If you were using Appintel AI to watch all thermal applications you would have seen this operator's application months ago.

See her background thinking on the balance required and the benefits she expects.

Get those documents from our self-serve web portal.

Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for free

The purpose of AppIntel AI is to provide industry specific, very current, trustworthy answers to oil and gas questions.  Questions like:

  • How can we balance the gas cap pressure of my thermal scheme?
  • How can we increase our plant H2S capacity?
  • What net pay maps are available for the Mannville?
  • How well do MEOR floods work?
  • And many, many other questions.

To answer questions like this, AppIntel AI watches for the most recent information available from trustworthy sources.  AppIntel AI is as current as this morning.

Without AppIntel AI, how would you know when other operators are planning technology changes in their operations?

Leading Indicators

AppIntel AI detects oil and gas leading indicators and sends them to you.

Before drilling a well, a company submits an application.  Before an operator injects water in the ground she submits an application.  Before an oil company builds or modifies a gas plant -- an application.

When applications are up over last month, increased industry activity will follow. When well licence applications increase, more wells will be drilled in the next twelve months. When pipeline licence applications spike, more pipelines will be laid over the next few quarters.

Even the regulatory application documents upon which AppIntel AI is trained are leading indicators: An application is argued and decided before any action happens in the field. Advances fill the pages of regulatory applications every day. All the advances are ground truthed to a physical location.

Need help in keeping abreast of all the changes to thermal projects?
?subject=Help me get up to speed on changes to thermal projects.&body=Help me get up to speed on changes to thermal projects.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________ %0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for support. We watch the leading indicators of the industry.

AppIntel AI sends you new developments near your operation

How do you stay up-to-date with the new efforts of your competitors? Area alerts bring AppIntel subscribers an email automatically when new technical information is submitted near your operation.

You can get an email alert when an application is submitted within 20 miles of your operation. They help you spy on your neighbors for competitive intelligence.  Shouldn't you be watching your neighbors' applications? The best and fastest way to see them is through AppIntel.

Area alerts are part of AppIntel's service. AppIntel is trained to send you fresh, relevant information near your operation delivered automatically to your inbox daily.

Imagine getting an email with a link to a new pipeline application the day it was submitted. What would that do for your business?

AppIntel AI sends you hit alerts: new information that matches your search terms

meercat standingA hit alert automatically sends you new submissions that have documents that match a search string. Hit alerts use the same search technology as AppIntel's google-like nature language search. After registering your hit alert, AppIntel searches daily through all newly submitted documents for your search string. When AppIntel finds applications that meet your criteria, you receive them in your email inbox.

With AppIntel you can set hit alerts to send you new applications that contain the words  thermal bitumen.

Be sure to try these other search strings: bitumen facility  or  CO2 injection  or  immiscible gas injection  or  sulphur plant turndown  or  radio frequency heating

Fresh as this morning

AppIntel has alerts that allow you to see new technical information as soon as they are submitted to the government in regulatory applications.

The information is the most current you will find anywhere. A year fresher than technical papers. Years more current than university classes. A decade more current than textbooks. AppIntel is the only way to watch these trends.

All applications have passed the theoretical phase and lab test phase. Each has been implemented in the field.

Need to get up to speed on methane injection in SAGD?
?subject=Help me get up to speed on methane injection in SAGD&body=Help me get up to speed on methane injection in SAGD. Show me different operator's opinions from their applications.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________ %0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for recent advances. We stay on top of thermal recovery strategies.

AppIntel AI watches constantly but does not train itself on the world wide web

AppIntel AI is not trained on irresponsible data sources.  Large language models that are trained on the entire world wide web collect dis-information about the oil and gas industry:

  • Frack-fear as well as frack technology;
  • Energy doomsday prognostications as well as real reserve forecasts;
  • Less informed angle as well as expert opinions. 

As a result, these pop AIs generate incorrect answers to simple oil and gas questions.

AppIntel AI watches every day but does not train itself on news sites

News sites contain stories selected and researched by people outside the oil and gas industry.  The stories are created in response to political climates and popular sentiment.  (Energy transition anyone?) 

A large language model trained on this data source would not be useful in an oil and gas operations situation.  An AI trained on this type of data would provide erroneous directions.

Tags: Gas Injection, Thermal, AppIntel advantage, Artificial Intelligence

Granger Low   18 Jun 2024

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This page last updated 11 October 2024.
Copyright 2011-2024 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AppIntel AI is a website for getting answers from government oil and gas information sources. If you spot any errors on this site, please email our webmaster.