Polymer doubles recovery

double rainbowJust how much can polymer injection improve oil recovery?

One operator is showing that he can double recovery in this Cretaceous pool by injecting polymer.

Find out how in his application documents

In his application documents, he shows a recent polymer flood where he is already reducing GOR and water cut. He's sure he can improve recovery by at least double using this injection fluid. His oil is 14 degree API.

Need to get up to speed quick on polymer flooding?
?subject=Help me get up to speed on polymer flooding&body=Help me get up to speed on polymer flooding%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________ %0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for support. We have all the details from all the installations.

In his application documents, you can see many aspects of his flood. You can see his preliminary results in reducing water cut.

You can see his injection pattern and where he places his injectors. You can see his plans for well spacing. You can see his plans to monitor the polymer injection. And you can get them all by clicking on the button below.

Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for free

Learn about polymer flooding

You can study all the technical papers on polymer flooding. You can read every bit of sales literature from polymer manufacturers.

But you'll never learn more than by reviewing actual field implementations. There are over 70 polymer schemes in the province of Alberta, Canada.

Application documents are the best source

The technical information contained in application documents are a diary of real field implementation. That's the value of reading applications.

By reading applications, you can find out which wells are injecting polymer and which ones are only injecting water. You can't find that any other way.

By reading applications, you can find out the plans for polymer injection startup. You can see the plans for polymer monitoring.

The nice thing about looking for technical information about polymer flooding from applications is that you can see the actual UWI of the injectors. Then you can go to Accumap and see the injection response. We call it ground truthing technical advances.

Find all the polymer schemes and all the polymer injectors.
?subject=I want a cheap and cheery one day trial of AppIntel&body=Sign me up for a one day AppIntel trial so I can check out polymer schemes. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:___%0D%0AMy Phone Number:____%0D%0A%0D%0APricing: www.appintel.info/short-term-search/%0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call AppIntel Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact us now to try it out Search for all the polymer schemes.

Avoid others' mistakes

When existing polymer floods have a problem, the operator reports it to the regulator in an application with their proposed corrective course of action.

If you don't read others' applications, how can you anticipate the problems that come along with trying a new technology?

Better than technical papers

This is much better than seeing technical information in SPE papers. SPE authors only emphasize one aspect of a technical topic. They usually try to conceal much of the other critical oil and gas information.

Not so with an application. The regulator requires all the detail. They adjudicate the application with a careful eye to understand the technical merits of the entire operation. You can learn much more from applications than SPE papers.

Easily search for polymer schemes

Using AppIntel's google-like search function you can find all the polymer flood applications. Just type into the KiP box   polymer injection or   surfactant polymer scheme.

Try it out, cheap and cheery.
?subject=I want a cheap and cheery one day trial of AppIntel&body=Sign me up for a one day AppIntel trial so I can check out polymer schemes. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:___%0D%0AMy Phone Number:____%0D%0A%0D%0APricing: www.appintel.info/short-term-search/%0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call AppIntel Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact us now for a one day trial and search for polymer schemes.

Tags: Polymer, Flood, Heavy Oil

Granger Low  1 Feb 2017

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This page last updated 21 February 2025.
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  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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