How to double your SAGD MOP

frac test graphHow can you double your scheme's MOP? The answer is in this operator's application documents.

Without AppIntel you wouldn't be able to find this application. No where else can you search through applications for  double MOP .

Setting the maximum operating pressure of a SAGD scheme is a careful balance between injectivity and fracturing. The higher steam injectivity, the better productivity. But if your injection pressure is too high, you risk fracturing the cap rock and wasting steam to upper formations. Fracturing cap rock also brings safety and environmental concerns.

One operator claims to have found safe way to double his MOP. We found this information using AppIntel.

Get his application documents using our self serve application portal

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AER applications contain more technical data even than SPE papers for two reasons: they are ground-truthed to actual UWI locations, and they are adjudicated by a very picky regulator.

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Tags: Thermal, Compliance, Heavy Oil

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