8 ways to get GPP
There are at least 8 ways to convince the regulator to give you GPP. How many do you know?
This blog post is contributed by Proven Reserves Exploitation Ltd., one of our information partners.
One applicant found a way even though his Triassic ATSB pool has over 15 m of pay. He also included his regional seismic amplitude interpretation in his application. You can see his GPP reasoning and mapping by downloading his application in moments from our self serve application document portal.
Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for freeDon't know 8 ways? You need to read more applications to see how others are doing it. Or just call Proven.
?subject=Help me get GPP for all my wells&body=Help me get GPP for all my wells. Let me leverage your GPP know-how to increase production by year end.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy name _______%0D%0AMy phone _______%0D%0A%0D%0AOr call Proven at 403 803 2500.">Contact Proven for an MRL audit.
No more restrictions
In Alberta, Good Production Practice (GPP) means you don't have to restrict the production of your oil well. The restriction limit is called a Maximum Rate Limitation (MRL).
The MRL concept was imposed to stop wasteful primary production and natural gas flaring practices in the early days of the oil industry in Alberta. The regulator wanted oil and gas industry players to improve oil recovery and conserve solution gas. The regulator believed that they should restrict production rate until industry voluntarily implemented conservation measures.
While implementing enhanced oil recovery is one of the ways of securing approval for GPP, there are at least 7 other ways to convince the regulator.
Smart oil and gas operators complete regular audits of all wells restricted by MRL. If you know how to get GPP, you might be able to convince the regulator to approve it for all your wells.
Operators applied for GPP only 4 times in 2016. There are still scores of pools that are restricted. You should try to get GPP for all your restricted wells.
Proven Reserves conducts MRL/GPP audits. We've had success in getting GPP for many operators using many different strategies. You can see one of those strategies by ordering and downloading one operator's application by clicking the blue button below labeled "Get this application now."
How long does it take to get GPP?
Our most frequently asked question about applications is "How long does it take?" There isn't any other source of approval time statistics than AppIntel. That's why AppIntel was invented.
A fundamental feature of AppIntel is approval time statistics. We've been showing approval time statistics since 2005. In fact, our approval time statistics was one of the forces that convinced the regulator to set goals to reduce their approval cycle time. As a result many approval systems were streamlined.
To illustrate, gas spacing applications took 14 months to approve in 2007. By 2009 those same applications were taking 2.2 months to approve. When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates.
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Tags: AER application, Flood
Granger Low 3 Nov 2016
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