6 things you need to know to save the oil and gas industry
A new generation of knowledge workers are
working the oil and gas industry. In the last downturn all the experienced employees
were fired. Industry is looking to a new group of talented people to bring it
back alive.
Without AppIntel AI, how would you know what
technology changes other operators have tried? With AppIntel,
you can see other operator's efforts and which ones worked.
Without AppIntel AI, how would you know what other operators are planning for technology changes? With AppIntel, you can get alerts every time an operator plans a change.
AppIntel doesn't take sick days or vacations and it works on weekends. It doesn't miss applications or documents -- its contents are triple checked for accuracy. It adds search by UWI for applications that don't even have a UWI.
One young operator applied to commingle gas from two zones. But he didn’t realize that regulations already allow this operation from these particular zones without application. The regulator refused his application. What a waste of time and money. Chalk it up to inexperience. But the firm he hired to submit the application should have known better.
Get his documents from our self-serve web portal.
Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for freeIf you are going to save the industry and keep your job, you will need to know 6 things.
Development history of your company’s properties
Most properties have been sold or traded lately. Likely you have some oil and gas producing properties that nobody in your company has ever worked.
Luckily there is a historic brain trust that you can consult. The history of pools are told by the applications submitted to the regulator. You can find them instantly in AppIntel AI.
What if you could get a quick look into the minds of the people in the past that ran your pool but have since moved on?
AppIntel AI includes submission documents that have all the reasons behind the work. It was all adjudicated by a picky regulator -- they dig in and ask for all the details.

Development ideas from analogs
AppIntel AI is full of development ideas from other operators on analog pools.
In AppIntel AI you can find development ideas that will help you improve production and reserves in your field.
AppIntel AI shows how other operators have developed pilot SAGD and CSS projects into mature, high efficiency properties.
In AppIntel you can see the sweet spot thinking of other operator’s shale gas plays. You can also see how they are exploiting and improving those sweet spots saving millions of dollars.
In search of a sweetening option that can handle small amounts of sulphur, has a low capital cost, and a favorable turn-down ratio? Everyone is looking for that. You can see facility modifications and improvements in AppIntel AI.
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Need to get up to speed quickly on a new property? It is much easier to map an area net pay if you can see someone else's picks and cross sections.
AppIntel is a great scouting tool to check out a competitor's opinion of an area. You can check out his seismic interpretation to find out. And you can do it with stealth by checking out the information he included in his submission to the regulator.
Sample technology application in the past – Case Studies
AppIntel AI is full of case studies of operators that implement development ideas.
In AppIntel AI you can find development ideas that will help you improve production and reserves in your field.
AppIntel case studies showing field installations are available for heavy oil including CHOPS, thermal and experimental schemes. AppIntel also includes case studies on polymer and microbial floods. Even tight and shale project case studies are available.
The forefront of oil and gas field technology can no longer be found in journals and conference papers. Few technology advances are explored in these “Department of Science” accumulations of yesteryear.
Instead, the newest practical field technology crops up in applications to regulators. If a technology has progressed to field application, it is found in an industry submission to the regulator. Regulators now see the newest technology implemented in field trials. Regulators are very picky and question everything. It is all documented in AppIntel AI.
Quick copy of basin successes
Rather than take the plunge and try to be on the leading edge of oil and gas technology, it's best to be a quick copy. If the leading edge experiment works, you can quickly copy it. If it fails, you've saved yourself some headaches.
For example, every oil company is fracking shale and tight rock. And now it is becoming fashionable to inject gas into them. How do you find out the latest on this trend? You won't find it in any textbooks; not in any technical papers. With AppIntel you just ask for gas huff and puff in the KiPbox. AppIntel results are as fresh as this morning.
?subject=I want a trial of AppIntel to help me c&body=Sign me up for a AppIntel trial so I can quickly copy industry successes.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:___%0D%0AMy Phone Number:____%0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call AppIntel Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Let us help you move to the corner office.
Avoiding failures of other operators
How do you avoid failures of others? You don’t want to reinvent the wheel.
For example, AppIntel AI shows one company was operating a CO2 sequestration miscible flood. Their sole young flood engineer had completed a university project on miscible flooding which included a simulation. The operator found it very inexpensive to hire him.
However, there's much more to miscible flood engineering than a school term project. Even though the young engineer played with a simulation, he didn't know how to get a CO2 flood to make money. The company ended up in receivership.
You don’t want to copy his mistakes. AppIntel AI can show you his errors.
Understanding regulatory traps
Need to change your property development plan? You will need to get a regulator to agree. AppIntel can show you how to avoid stepping on the bear traps that will make the regulator refuse your application.
The regulator objects to 40% of applications. Give the regulator the wrong answer and your application will be abruptly closed. And although the regulator will tell you to re-apply, most applicants never do.
AppIntel studies show that about half of refused applications are never resubmitted. If you thought you needed the application in the first place, why wouldn't you make sure it gets approved?
AppIntel AI contains all the information on why regulatory applications fail. In our age, finding knowledge about an industry as advanced as ours should be quick and easy. She who has the most intelligence wins.
The six things
AppIntel AI helps you capitalize on all 6 things you need to know to save the oil and gas industry. These six things can change the way you operate and improve your company’s production and cash flow. Call us for an AppIntel demo today.
Tags: Tight, Polymer, Gas Injection, Flood, Exploration, Heavy Oil, Artificial Intelligence
Granger Low 17 Aug 2024

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