The newest Montney flood idea
Many have talked about flooding the Montney but few have tried. Will gas flooding work?
Without AppIntel, how would you know technology other operators are trying in the Montney? When you have AppIntel, it is as simple as typing Montney flood
into the KiP omni box.
One operator has started a pilot to inject gas into his Montney pool. He hopes to maintain pressure and improve recovery.
And you will never guess his injection pattern.
Check out his plans and the regulatory hoops through which he had to jump. Download his application documents from our self-serve portal.
Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for freeGas is cheap
Alberta natural gas prices are at all-time lows. Industry is looking for alternate ways to use gas.
Why not inject gas into the Montney to improve oil and liquids recovery?
Injection also stores natural gas to be sold at a future time.
?subject=Help me get up to speed on lean gas flooding&body=Help me get up to speed on lean gas flooding%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________ %0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for support. We have all the details from all the installations.
What's the best way?
Montney gas injection raises many questions: Can injection of gas into a Montney light oil pool improve recovery? What injection pattern will sweep the most oil and reduce break through?
Watching this injection pattern may promote technical intelligence on this new use of natural gas injection.
Finding interesting pilots
In AppIntel, each application is ground truthed to injector UWIs. You can get the UWI injection locations from the application documents.
Sometimes you come across an injection scheme in geoScout or AccuMap and can't reliably determine the operator's intent. But by reading the application, you know exactly what they were thinking.
AppIntel is the best way to find applications
The best way to find new ideas for flood recovery is to watch industry applications. Technical details and field results are all found in this important data collection. And the only way to find these gems is AppIntel.
Appintel helps you find applications as if you were using google.
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Tags: Disposal, Gas Injection, Flood
Granger Low 21 Jun 2018
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