Record number of facility applications

lease air photoWhat is the sign of approaching winter? Even more sure than Canadian Geese flying south is a swell in facility and pipeline applications submitted to the regulator.

Without AppIntel, how would you know when new facilities are proposed within 10 miles of your operation? AppIntel can send you an area alert by email.

More facility applications were submitted this fall than have been for the last few years. In October, operators submitted 198 facility applications. This is the highest application flood for the last two and a half years -- since Mar 2015. November was still high at 178 applications.

For example, two multi-well gas battery applications were submitted for the Karr area. One operator is building a new 12 MMCF facility and needs to build close to an ephemeral water body. You can see how he justified the reduced offset in his application documents.

Help yourself to his application documents from our self-serve site.

Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for free

Check out all the new facility applications. Get them within minutes from AppIntel.
?subject=Sign me up for an AppIntel subscription&body=Sign me up for an AppIntel subscription so I can get all the new facility applications. %0D%0AHelp me get them within moments rather than waiting for weeks from and regulator.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy name _________%0D%0AMy phone number _________%0D%0APricing:, if your need is urgent, call AppIntel Sales at 403 803 2500)">Contact us about an AppIntel subscription.

trend chartMore facility applications

As commodity prices lift, operators are getting on with the work of growing their oil and gas fields. Applications for facilities have increased.

Get Area Alerts directly to your email inbox

The easiest way to find out what your competitors are doing to read the their AER applications.

Now you can get an email each time a facility application is submitted within 15 miles of your operation. Area alerts by AppIntel.

AppIntel hit alerts deliver applications of technical interest

A hit alert automatically sends you new AER applications that match a search string. Get hit alerts for applications that contain gas plant or Karr somewhere in the application documents.

Every day AppIntel searches through all newly submitted documents for your search string. When it finds an application that meet your criteria, you receive it in your email inbox.

Need your application to be approved the first time?

Do you want the same approval as your competitors?

Watching the applications of others helps you determine how to get yours approved.

The best and fastest way to find template applications is through AppIntel.

Get applications delivered to you in moments not weeks.
?subject=I want to see applications delivered in moments, not weeks.&body=I want to see closed applications delivered in moments, not weeks.%0D%0A%0D%0AApplication Number:___%0D%0AMy Name:___%0D%0AMy Phone Number:___%0D%0A%0D%0A call AppIntel Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact us now to try it out.

Tags: Facilities

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This page last updated 20 December 2024.
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  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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