Don't sell solution gas, inject it
Why sell gas? Why not sequester it to help with oil recovery?
Why spend the money to tie a well in to a gathering system? Why pay for gas processing? Gas disposal and improved recovery all in one.
Without AppIntel, how do you search for all the companies that are injecting their solution gas? How do you detect their operational issues? It's easy with AppIntel: Just type into the KiP box solution injection
This operator was trying to adopt to a growing trend -- injecting solution gas into his oil scheme. We found this information from his application 5 years ago using AppIntel.
You can see all his plans and justification to the Regulator. Get his application documents from our self serve portal.
Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for freeHurt the midstream industry
When gas prices were hovering below $2, more and more operators were choosing to inject solution gas into oil pools dispose of the gas and to help with pressure maintenance.
This had an unexpected effect on the gas midstream sector. As more gas is taken out of the gathering and processing system, gas plants are becoming the less reliable and more costly to operate.
Now some midstreamers are mothballing gas processing plants.
Causing a gas price jump
This lead operators to find even more reasons to inject gas rather than sell it. Now operators look for any excuse to try it. ( And most think they are the first to think of it. )
This trend is a leading indicator to a shortage of natural gas in the market this winter. And that will lead to a gas price increase over the next several months.
Operational issues
When looking at fields that inject solution gas, how do you discover their field performance? How do you detect their operational issues?
Many operators don't consider gas breakthrough concerns. They don't foresee the impact on wellhead injection pressure nor the need for compression.
?subject=Help me with the operations issues of gas injection&body=Help me with the operations issues of gas injection%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:__________ %0D%0AMy Phone Number:__________ %0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call Proven Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact Proven for support. We have worked for 30 years in gas injection strategies.
Each AER application contains your neighbor's perspective on the exploitation of oil and gas formations. Applications contain more technical data even than SPE papers.
Would you like to see what other operators in your areas are thinking about seismic, multifractured wells, polymer schemes and recovery? AppIntel can help.
Tags: Gas Injection, Flood, Cut costs
Granger Low 16 Mar 2020

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