Get historic AER application documents on demand

download applicationsWhy wait days, weeks or even a month for historic application documents? As long as you know the application number, you can get them on-demand through AppIntel-transaction. Even without a subscription.

Order the documents from just one application. And get them in moments.
Or you can buy just one day of search.
Or you can buy just a few area alerts.

The waiting time to get an historic application from the AER order fulfillment department is currently two to four weeks. Although they promise fulfillment in 3-5 business days, they haven't met that for over a year.

Most industry operators are frustrated by the wait. Many operators have ordered an application; waited weeks; and then found out they didn't get the information they needed. So they ordered again; and waited again; and sometimes realized they still didn't get what they needed.

In most cases, waiting a month makes the information worthless. Over a month, oil prices may change by $20. Or that interesting acquisition target may be gone. Or regulations may change. The cost of waiting is huge.

Among other things, AppIntel is a way to get others' application documents. We fill application orders on-demand, not in a month. Now you can order one application and receive it in moments -- even if you don't have an AppIntel subscription.

Join us soon with your favorite application number for the first public glimpse of Application On-Demand.

Not only faster, but AppIntel's application documents are higher quality than historical application documents ordered from the AER in 5 ways.

Each AER application contains your neighbor's perspective on the exploitation of oil and gas formations. Applications contain more technical data even than SPE papers. Reading others' applications can save big money in a time of fiscal tightening.

Would you like to see what other operators in your areas are thinking about seismic, multifractured wells, polymer schemes and recovery? AppIntel can help.

Tags: AppIntel advantage

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This page last updated 07 March 2025.
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  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AppIntel AI is a website for getting answers from government oil and gas information sources. If you spot any errors on this site, please email our webmaster.