Update on CHOPS economics

skating on stepping stonesCold Heavy Oil Producing Sand (CHOPS) was a popular primary program that produced 5% of in situ heavy oil very quickly. Now some operators are breathing new life into CHOPS fields.

With AppIntel, you can get newly submitted applications relevant to your operations. Just set up AppIntel hit alerts for the word CHOPS. When a new application that contains this keyword is submitted to the regulator, you get an instant email notifying you.

One operator proposed to treat a spent CHOPS well to create an in situ alkali. He hopes for improved oil production.

Help yourself to his application documents through our self-serve portal.

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Keep abreast of new developments in heavy oil recovery

Wouldn't it be nice to instantly hear when a competitor tries a new recovery strategy in the field? AppIntel keeps you up to speed.

Details of new recovery technology are disclosed in regulatory applications. The regulator is a very picky adjudicator. They want all the technical details. You can see it all through AppIntel.

You can have new applications within 20 miles of your operation sent to you as soon as they are submitted. These area alerts are delivered daily.

You can have new relevant applications anywhere in Alberta send to you instantly. Just set up hit alerts for a few words like thermal bitumen.

Want to try it out? Now you can order just a few alerts. Cheap and cheery.
?subject=Let me try a few hit alerts. Cheap and cheery.&body=Sign me up for a few hit alerts from AppIntel so I can try them out.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name: __%0D%0AMy Phone Number: ___%0D%0A%0D%0ASend me email alerts of applications that have the following words in their documents _____%0D%0ACheck out pricing https://www1.appintel.info/just-alerts/%0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call AppIntel Sales at 403 803 2500)">Contact us to find out how

Applications show the actual UWI locations of the proposed operation. Using these locations, you can review injection and production history and draw your own conclusions about success or failure of the field trial.

Tags: Flood, Thermal, Heavy Oil

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This page last updated 06 September 2024.
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  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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