Order documents from one application
We announce new introductory pricing for application documents. If you're looking for one document for which you have the Application Number, you can order it from us at Regaware.
Why wait weeks for application documents? You can get them on demand from AppIntel.
You can also get envelope information about applications, or about each individual attached document.
You can even get information about confidential documents that were submitted with the application. No, we can't get you the confidential documents themselves, but we can tell you a lot about each one.
If, after seeing information about a confidential document, you want to get it from the regulator, you can ask them to declassify it. They'll likely comply if the document is older than their confidentiality policy. Or you can request a confidential document redacted through FOIP.
Best Value | ||
Essential Quick affordable intelligence |
Express High-Speed intelligence on demand |
Investigate Prime intelligence for in depth study |
$29/application | Only$59/application | $119/application |
Delivered in 3 days not weeks Quicker delivery AER currently delivers orders in 2-4 weeks. Faster than the AER |
Delivered in moments | Delivered in moments Application envelope info Application envelope Includes applicant, application type, approved or closed, description, date submitted and decided, and UWI. Attachment envelope info Attachment envelope Includes document type, description, date submitted, and original size. Evidence of confidential documents Contains no confidential docs But does include document type, description, date submitted, and original size of confidential documents. |
Check it out | Check it out | Check it out |
Pricing in Canadian dollars for Canadian energy companies.
?subject=AppIntel International Pricing&body=Please send me information about international pricing for AppIntel. %0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name:___%0D%0AMy Phone Number:___%0D%0AMy Country: ___%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A(Or call AppIntel Sales at 403-803-2500.)">Contact sales about international pricing for AppIntel.
Tags: AER application
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