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AppIntel is an Artificial Intelligence with a large language model that answers questions about improving oil and gas exploration, recovery and operations. It keeps subscribers up to date with basin advances by email. The AI is trained on over three million trusted oil & gas government regulatory documents making it trustworthy and as fresh as this morning. More about AppIntel AI.

If you would like an AppIntel AI demo in your office, please call our sales department at (403) 803 2500 or ?subject=Please bring us a demo of AppIntel AI&body=Please bring us a demo of AppIntel AI.%0D%0A%0D%0AName:%0D%0ACompany:%0D%0APhone:%0D%0A%0D%0AInterested in:%0D%0A_ Acquisition scouting%0D%0A_ Industry leading indicators%0D%0A_ Searching for technology%0D%0A_ Alerts on new technology%0D%0A_ Quick copy of successes%0D%0A_ Competitor surveillance%0D%0A_ Existing mapping, seismic interps and facility diagrams">email us.

  8 Jul 2015

Bug flood - cheap reserve adds

Be careful what you inject

Gas plant expansion finally approved

Like playing jenga with the regulator?

AI lets you do more with less

Cheapest, biggest and most current source of oil and gas breaking information

LLM more trendy than LNG?

Large Language Model for oil and gas

Automating oil and gas vigilance

AppIntel AI watches the industry for you

Leading indicators in the battle for the future of bitumen recovery

Methane or Propane?

What makes an AI useful for the oil and gas industry?

Eight AppIntel AI guidelines for usefulness

This page last updated 26 July 2024.
Copyright 2011-2024 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AppIntel AI is a website for getting answers from government oil and gas information sources. If you spot any errors on this site, please email our webmaster.