Rejected? You're not alone.
Applying for changes to the ground water monitoring program at your facility can be frustrating. The best way to see what the regulator will approve is to read the applications of others.
The regulator refused one operator's bid to abandon some of this ground water monitoring wells. The reasoning for refusal is spelled out in the correspondence on the application.
You can get their application within moments from our self serve application document portal.
Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for free?subject=Application Services and their application closure ratio&body=Please send me your report Application Services and their application closure ratio. %0D%0A%0D%0AOnly $100 +GST %0D%0A%0D%0A I want to pay by: %0D%0A[ ]Visa %0D%0A[ ]MasterCard %0D%0A[ ]Cash %0D%0A[ ]Company Cheque%0D%0A%0D%0AMy Name: %0D%0AMy Phone Number: %0D%0A%0D%0AWe aim to answer email orders within two hours. %0D%0A(If your inquiry is of a more urgent nature then please do not hesitate to call us at 403-803-2500.)">Get the report now
Rejected but not done
Applications are rejected by the regulator for one of three reasons: Technical, technicality, or stake holder objections.
Sometimes the regulator disagrees fundamentally with the technical aspects of an application. It's important to know these because their objections form a line over which you may not cross. Knowing that line is very important.
Stake holders can raise concerns that will seriously block your approval. Understanding stake holder concerns will help you plan on how to engage stake holders and solve the problems before they become intractable.
Technicalities include errors in the submission process. Knowing these can help you avoid them in your own applications.
Yet our experience shows that over half of applications refused by the AER are never resubmitted. If each application is the key to unlocking just a half million dollars in additional asset value, large companies have lost $11.5 billion dollars due to closed applications.
Protect yourself - Read others' applications
If you don't have time to read others' applications before you submit, you should really budget longer approval time to fix the application later.
AppIntel is the fastest and easiest way to find similar applications to the one you're considering.
You can use AppIntel's google-like natural language search to find comparable applications.
You can also set area alerts to ensure you get your competitor's applications fresh the day they're submitted.
?subject=Sign me up for an AppIntel subscription&body=Sign me up for an AppIntel subscription so I can get all the new waste facility applications. %0D%0AHelp me get them within moments rather than waiting for weeks from and regulator.%0D%0A%0D%0AMy name _________%0D%0AMy phone number _________%0D%0APricing:, if your need is urgent, call AppIntel Sales at 403 803 2500)">Contact us about an AppIntel subscription.
Tags: Closure, Facilities
Granger Low 8 Nov 2016
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