Why you don't need AppIntel AI

no thanks handWe've heard many reasons why you don't need AppIntel.

If we had a dime for every time we heard a lame excuse, we'd be the richest in the industry.

Brush offs, too busy, too expensive, no need, no trust, afraid to ask.

Here's a list of the most common excuses.

strong or weak We already have one in-house

Congratulations. You understand the value of application intelligence. Can your in-house solution do everything that AppIntel can do? AppIntel AI helps you work smarter, not harder.

strong or weak IT needs to be involved

Certainly your information technology people want to know about this. Neverthless, AppIntel AI data is not an IT function. Data about industry intelligence is like seismic data. It's used to make more oil. Does IT tell you when you can buy seismic?

Consult your information technology about using apps on the web if you must. However, They can't decide if you need AppIntel AI competitor intelligence.


Granger Low  17 May 2017

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Using industry submission to scout plans and opportunities. Prize: Almost a billion dollars.

Oil and Gas Artificial Intelligence - made in Canada

No tariffs

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Artificial Intelligence for the oil and gas industry

This page last updated 21 February 2025.
Copyright 2011-2025 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AppIntel AI is a website for getting answers from government oil and gas information sources. If you spot any errors on this site, please email our webmaster.