Find Montney seismic interpretations
Getting a leg up on the Montney in an area is a bit tough. If you're acquiring a Montney property or preparing to drill at $60 CDN oil, you need to get up to speed quickly.
And you want to make sure your interpretation can be validated by comparison with other operators. What if you could see your competitor's seismic interpretations?
This operator submitted his seismic interpretation to the public domain when we submitted his application to the regulator several years ago.
Along with his Triassic to Belloy isochron map, he also included a time structure map on top of the Wabamum, type logs and cross sections. His maps even show his next drilling locations. We found this information using AppIntel.
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Help yourself to his seismic interpretations. You can get it in moments through our self-serve, secure checkout.
Buy these submission docs now Subscribers get them for freeTags: Seismic, Tight, Exploration
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