IT needs to be involved

man torsoIt almost sounds like the tail wags the dog here.

First, having competitor intelligence from AppIntel AI is not an IT function. Data about industry intelligence is like seismic data. It's used to make more oil. Does IT tell you when you can buy seismic?

Second, AppIntel data requires no installation. The entire system is run on a web browser. As long as you have a browser with a modern Windows PC (Win 10 or later) then you have everything you need to run AppIntel. And if you're still running Windows 8, your IT department has bigger problems than whether to approve AppIntel.

Third, Appintel requires no IT support. Any issues are handled by Regaware's support team.

If IT is doing their job, they will find ways to improve productivity using IT technology. They aren't there to tell you what you can't have.

What you really require is a business case for having AppIntel AI:

Use AppIntel AI to eliminate non-compliance downtime costing $10 million or more.

Use AppIntel AI to win at land sales to add $1.2 billion or more.

Tags: Artificial Intelligence

Granger Low  17 May 2017

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This page last updated 21 February 2025.
Copyright 2011-2025 by Regaware Systems Ltd.
  Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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